
Go is detected if a main.go file is found.

Environment Variables#

  • CGO_ENABLED=0: Build a statically linkable binary


The following Go versions are available:

  • 1.18
  • 1.19
  • 1.20
  • 1.21
  • 1.22 (default)
  • 1.23

The version is parsed from the go.mod file.


If a go.mod file is found

go get


If your project has multiple binaries, you can specify which one to run with the NIXPACKS_GO_BIN environment variable. Otherwise, the first binary found in the project's root directory or the project's cmd directory will be used.

go build -o out
# Or if there are no .go files in the root directory
go build -o out ./cmd/{name}


If the binary is built with cgo disabled then the binary is copied to a slim image to run in.



These directories are cached between builds

  • Install and Build: ~/.cache/go-build